CAI – since 20 years –
a pioneer for investments in alternative asset

Investors want to generate positive returns, ideally each and every year. This is what we are helping institutional and private investors with. The founder and managing partner, Sy Stanley Schlueter, has 30 years of professional experience as investment strategist, analyst, advisor and fund manager in New York, London and Frankfurt.

Investment success requires independent thinking, free of conflict of interests. An objective, analytical approach is the centre of our analysis.

Assets and their respective markets are influenced by various factors. Therefore CAI is set up as a think tank with a holistic approach yet analytic in its separate aspects. At the beginning stands the macro situation with its economic and political state. Next layer is the analysis of various asset classes. At the end each investment, either company or real estate will be thoroughly analysed and evaluated. In the case of quoted companies the timing of an investment will undergo technical analysis. After an investment, constant monitoring with modern tools of risk control will be applied.

Within this approach it can be advisable to hold cash, to hedge investments or go outright short, when overvaluations are identified. Achieving positive returns is in our and our investors interest.

In order to implement the results of our analysis, we set up the “Copernicus Fund” a European equities long/short fund. We were able to generate positive returns in different environments for equity markets, even in an environment of falling equity prices as in 1994, 2000, 2001 and 2008. In its 20 years of operating the strategy an average annual return of almost 14% could be generated.

In the middle of the last decade, our macroeconomic analysis suggested that investments in European equity markets had became more risky whereas investments in German residential real estate more attractive. In 2006, CAI co-initiated the company Kommunale Wohnen AG for investments in residential real estate in Germany, and later in 2010 with the company Zinshaus Berlin KG for investments in residential real estate solely in Berlin.

Currently CAI is preparing the on-shore version of the Copernicus Fund as a European equity fund by German law.

The world is changing all the time and the results of our analysis are being constantly tested for their implications on our investment strategies and tactics. We are currently witnessing a generational change of policy from a fight against inflation to a fight against deflation with far reaching consequences on the investment world especially on asset allocation.

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CEO: Sy Schlüter · Amtsgericht Hamburg, HRB 106556 · St-ID.-Nr.: 48/710/00366